Small Animal Services & Facilities
West Wind Veterinary Hospital, located just east of Sherwood Park, Alberta, is a fully equipped medical and surgical hospital. Our facility includes a surgical suite with advanced cardiovascular and respiratory monitoring equipment, an in-house lab and pharmacy, and a radiology room equipped with digital radiographs and ultrasound equipment that allow us to effectively examine and treat pets ranging from the smallest kitten to the largest dog. We also boast a cat only exam room to minimize the stress of hospital visits for our feline patients and their families.

All patients undergoing surgical procedures at our facility receive exemplary care. Prior to surgery, a thorough physical health exam is performed. Pre-anesthetic blood work is interpreted in combination with the physical examination to enable our doctors to make the best medical and anesthetic decisions for your animal. Our surgical patients receive IV fluids via an intravenous catheter, and are continuously supervised by our highly trained animal health technologists. Surgical monitoring equipment is used to keep our pets safe under anesthesia and includes ECG, pulse oximetry, capnography, and blood pressure. Our pets are kept warm and comfortable throughout the sterile surgical procedure. We are proactive in preventing pain and minimizing discomfort.
Following a thorough physical examination we can assist you with surgical decisions and treatments regarding soft tissue, dental, or orthopedic surgery. Our goal is to help you maintain good health for the lifetime of your pets.
Spays & Neuters
These routine surgical procedures are performed with the same care and medical attention that any anesthetic requires. As veterinary professionals, the age at which we recommend spaying or neutering your animal varies depending on the breed. Please discuss this important decision with our veterinarian. Spaying/neutering at an appropriate age helps reduce the risk of mammary tumors in females and helps avert unwanted behaviour.
Diagnostic Imaging
Portable wireless digital x-ray machines allow high quality imaging in hospital. X-rays can be used to diagnose arthritis, fractures, tumors, infection, and other abnormalities. Our doctors use these images to assess lameness issues, check for foreign bodies, evaluate heart, lungs, abdomen, and diagnose your animal accurately.
West Wind has portable ultrasound machines that are an effective diagnostic tool for emergency scans, abdominal, thoracic, and reproductive evaluation.
80% of our pets suffer from periodontal disease. Untreated dental infections can affect our pet's hearts, livers, and kidneys. Our veterinary team can work with you and your pet to maintain optimal dental health. Even very young pets should have a comprehensive veterinary examination of their oral cavity. We can help predict problem areas and prevent serious dental issues. At West Wind, we offer full dental cleaning and extractions when necessary.
Our goal is the same as yours: preventing dental disease. We can help you choose the best oral health care products and help you train your pet to enjoy a daily ental brushing program.
When it comes to pets, an owner knows when something is not quite right. Our well educated team uses your pet's history, our knowledge, and state of the art equipment to diagnose and plan a course of treatment for your animal. We are equipped to handle everything from acute concerns such as vomiting or diarrhea, to long term management for thyroid conditions, diabetes, arthritis, and other health concerns.
Vaccinations & Wellness Exams
Our skilled and compassionate veterinarians will be there for your family, helping to keep your pets happy, healthy and protected. We believe in the value of regular veterinary examinations - we expertly assess every aspect of your pet's health: listening, looking, feeling and critically evaluating. We are current with the most recent vaccination protocols and are proud to offer the core vaccinations on a three year schedule to ensure that your pet is protected. Our wellness services include: vaccinations, deworming and fecal examinations, nutritional advice, pain assessment and management, and a comprehensive physical examination.
End of Life Care
Our compassionate veterinarians are here to help with your pet's palliative care needs. We are here to improve their quality of life. One of the hardest decisions anyone has to make is deciding when it is time to say goodbye to a companion. Our compassionate staff understands how difficult this can be. Our goal is to help you find a peaceful way to say farewell.
We will compassionately help with cremation or burial and memorial planning. West Wind works with "Part of the Family" pet memorial centre, helping pet familes through this difficult time. Please let us assist you.